Adult Sailing Program
Interested in learning to sail? Busy schedule that won't permit a week or other extended period of time for classes? We can help. Schedule your class(es) with one on one instruction at mutually convenient times with various members of our club who have many years of sailboat racing experience. Your sailing training class(es) could be scheduled on any day or time, convenient to all and weather permitting.
Your classroom instruction will include vocabulary, theory, technique, racing rules, etc. This can be followed with on the water experience and more instruction.
We have four different classes of boats available for instruction: Interlake, Snipe, Laser, and Sunfish.
Sailing and racing sailboats, offers great fun for you and your family, and you can easily learn to do it!
Stop by summer Sundays between 10 and 2 to find out more. Let’s go sailing now…!
Classes will resume next spring.
2006 Youth Sailing Program Pictures and movies
Tips to getting the most out of our course
- Pay attention to the weather and send your child dressed accordingly. Current weather conditions can be checked here. Proper attire should include a swimsuit and closed toed shoes. It is highly recommended that sunscreen be applied to all areas not covered by a bathing suit. Classes will be held indoors if necessary due to inclement weather.
- Please take a few minutes and practice tying the bowline knot and learning the boat parts described later on this page.
Sailing requires that the sailor learn how to tie knots. Brian Toss has created an excellent reference which we recommend that you visit before starting our course. Minimally you should know how to tie a bowline.
Boat Parts
Sailing also requires that you learn the names of different parts of the boat. Knowing the right name for a sail line or other boat component can make the difference in keeping your boat upright.