PLYC Burgee

Sailing for Akron and Canton, Ohio
Portage Lakes Yacht Club
where we love to sail...

Portage Indian

Snipe Fleet No. 110

Snipe Class Schedule

Three races are scheduled each racing day if weather permits: First Race Warning Signal: 9:50 A.M. Second & Third Race Warning Signal: to be made on order of Snipe Fleet Captain, or his designate.

Warning signal for the first race shall not he postponed later than 11:20 A.M., after which time the race shall be cancelled. Starting with opening day the racing season shall be divided into series, each series consisting of six consecutive official races, with participation in 4 of the 6 races necessary for a series trophy award.

Cancelled Races

Each cancelled race will automatically reschedule all of the following races one place later in the schedule except Holiday Series and Regatta dates. Members will not be notified of such rescheduling.

Holiday Series

Official races held on Holidays: Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day shall be recorded in and shall become a part of the regular series in which they occur. In addition, the scores for these races shall be compiled separately for the award of the Commodore’s Holiday Trophy. Participation in all Holiday Series Races is required for eligibility for the Commodore’s Holiday Trophy.


In all races up to and including fifteen, a bonus of ten points shall be allowed except DSQ.

DSQ boats shall receive a score of one place below last place and do not receive the ten point bonus. DNF boats shall receive the score of last place. Last place score shall be based on the total number of starters. See SCIRA for details. All owners of Snipe Class boats must he members in good standing with SCIRA for their racing scores to he recorded.

Snipe Fleet Classification & Trophy Eligibility

Eligible skippers shall he classified into Classes A and B. To become eligible for classification a skipper must have sailed in at least 60 percent of the races, excluding his DNF and DSQ races, of six race series.

Class A shall consist of those skippers in the top 40 per cent of eligible skippers based on their point score averages of the previous season or previous series, including their DSQ and DNF races and bonus points.

Class B shall consist of all other eligible skippers. Eligihle skippers shall be recla.ssifIed at the start of each series except they arc classified at the start of the season according to their averages of that previous season.

Snipe Series Trophies

Series winners of each series shall he decided on the basis of actual scores, including DNF’s and DSQ’s but without bonus points and must have raced in it least four of the races of the series. In order to count, the last series of the season must consist of at least four races.

The winner of a series trophy is not eligible to win any subsequent series trophy in the same season.


A skipper must race in at least 1/3 of the races of the season to be eligible for a season trophy. Determination of the winner of season Class A and Class B trophies is based on scores submitted to SCIRA. i.e., including DSQ and DNF scores and Bonus points.

Only the classified B skippers who started their season in Class B shall he eligible for a seasons Class B trophy All the races of the season, even before classification, shall count for these trophies even if a Class B skipper moves into Class A in a later series. A skipper who has raced in two or more series classified as a Class A skipper in a season shall not be eligible for a Class B trophy in the following season.